City University of Hong Kong
Redesign the university website for a leading global university to make it an effective digital channel for the University to communicate their brand value, promise and achievements with the audiences and to enhance the user experience for browsing the website based on their interests and context.
My role
I worked on this project as a UX/UI Designer in Sedgwick Richardson. Our team consisted of a digital design director and two project managers. We formed a scrum team with an overseas team of scrum master and developers. I was responsible for the research, IA design, visual design and client workshops of the project.
City University of Hong Kong (CityU) has a well-earned reputation as an innovative hub for research and professional education. Being a global shop window of the university, the University website needs a great attention in terms of its development. The website has been in service for many years without major changes. Their institutional identity, current web technology and user behaviour have changed significantly. The gaps between user expectations and what the current website delivers have widened, resulting in a deteriorating user experience. To ensure the CityU website befitting a leading global university, there is a need to redesign the University website.
Key findings
Complexity was the dominant theme that emerged from research and touched on almost every area of the site, dramatically impacted the user experience.
The website users were directed to sub-sites very early in their journey. The information that most users wanted was spread across multiple sections on the site, and even scattered on over hundreds of sub-sites.
Project goals
The redesign of the website aimed to:
Working process
Identify the user groups and their needs
We identified the user groups of the website and generated some personas. These gave the entire team a shared understanding of who we were designing for and what do the users want to achieve on the website.
Re-design the information architecture
Content audit and information grouping
Pencil sketches and Wireframe
The sketches and wireframes were important for early discussion with development team to reduce unnecessary development changes and cost
Visual design using modular design approach
Due to the large scale of the university website, we used a modular design approach instead of a page-based design process. We created a design system with reusable components and patterns, defined the details of every component, included its purpose, behaviour, data rules, restrictions, etc… Those components can then be combined in various ways across the website to create unique pages easily. Overall we designed 100+ panels in 4 viewport dimensions.
This means the website development is scalable and sustainable. Consistency can be maintained and gives the users a cohesive user experience. It also gives more control to the web editors. Web editors without development expertise can create new pages that look professional and consistent with the rest of the website by using the existing components available in the content management system.
Detailed design
How we got there
Agile methodology
Client workshops
The components developed and guidances were well documented in a guideline for the client. Besides, we ran workshops at the client office to go through the purposes, usage and rules of the components, and to practice creating some pages with them using the components, so that they learnt how to decide what components to be used to display the content afterwards.
We delivered a completely revitalised university website and turned a highly complex and information heavy website into an intuitive engaging platform, optimised for all devices. The website was well received by both internal and the public – an exceptional achievement considering the scale and complexity of the website.
The website was awarded “Best rebrand of a digital property – Silver” in Transform Awards Asia Pacific 2019.
Selected Works
City University of Hong KongUX/UI, Web
handyUX/UI, Web, App
Peak ReinsuranceUX/UI, Web
© 2021 Vicky Chiu (chiuching)